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Invited Speaker of Session: S7c Hydrogen Storage/Transport

Teng He

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,

Chinese, Academy of Sciences

Dalian, China, 116023

Email: heteng@dicp.ac.cn 

Short Biography

Dr. Teng He is a professor of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (DICP, ACS). He pursued his PhD degree in DICP in the field of Industry Catalysis from 2006 to 2012 under the supervision of Prof. Ping Chen and Prof. Tao Zhang. Then, He was promoted to be an associate professor directly and joined Prof. Chen’s group in DICP. From 2017 to 2018, he was a visiting professor at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in USA, focusing on liquid materials for hydrogen storage. In 2017, He was promoted to be professor.  His research interests cover synthesis and characterization of novel hydrogen storage materials, including B-N-based materials, liquid organic hydrogen carriers and metalorganics. Another major research line is the development of new catalysts for de/re-hydrogenation of hydrogen storage materials. Until now, he has published more than 50 peer-viewed papers with citations of >1000.